Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom

Initiate Pages

Video: Journey of Soul


In this beautiful performance, a group of dancers from Nigeria show the journey of Soul. Watch as Soul faces challenges in overcoming the passions of the mind: anger, greed, lust, vanity, and attachment. Finally, Soul breaks free of the bonds of karma to find spiritual freedom. On the journey, Soul has been protected and guided by the Mahanta and a team of ECK Masters.

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What experiences have you had with the ECK Masters? How would you creatively express the journey of Soul in your life?



How Does God Answer Our Questions?
I Am Soul
It Comes in Waves
Just Sing HU!
Living in the Here and Now
Journey of Soul
When I Was Big


Questions for the Master
Youth in ECK—Sharing from the Heart
The ECK Rite of Passage


Copyright © 2017 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved.
Last modified July 19, 2023