Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom

Initiate Pages

Video: When I Was Big

(In German with English subtitles)


This fun and creative short film was adapted from Debbie Kaplan’s book When I Was Big, by a group of European ECK youth and young adults. Take a journey with the main character, Davie, as he recalls some of his past lives—as a hunter, a dancer, a sailor, a royal baker, a farmer, and more!

As Davie explains, we have all lived many lifetimes in this great schoolhouse called Earth, as we learn how to give and receive God’s love.

*  *  *

Have you noticed any clues from the MAHANTA about lives you’ve led in the past?

What lessons of divine love are you learning in your life today?



How Does God Answer Our Questions?
I Am Soul
It Comes in Waves
Just Sing HU!
Living in the Here and Now
Journey of Soul
When I Was Big


Questions for the Master
Youth in ECK—Sharing from the Heart
The ECK Rite of Passage


Copyright © 2023 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved.
Last modified July 19, 2023