Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom

Initiate Pages

Video: How Does God Answer Our Questions?


This heart-opening, creative video was written and filmed as a Satsang project by Minnesota youth ages five to fifteen. They first contemplated and shared questions they would like to ask the Master. Then they had fun filming each other on the Contemplation Trails at the Temple of ECK.

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As you watch, think about what questions you have about life, love, and God. How does the Inner Master help you find answers?

Did you know, you can also submit a question to the
Letter of Light? Just click “Questions for the Master” on the menu at the bottom of this page!


How Does God Answer Our Questions?
I Am Soul
It Comes in Waves
Just Sing HU!
Living in the Here and Now
Journey of Soul
When I Was Big


Questions for the Master
Youth in ECK—Sharing from the Heart
The ECK Rite of Passage


Copyright © 2023 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved.
Last modified July 19, 2023